TMD’s annual client golf day, The Brick 2022

TMD’s annual client golf day was held at Brocket Hall on the Palmerston course. The weather gods were very kind, and the golfing gods were kind to the chosen ones.

TMD’s Ed Hensman failed miserably to read the small print about the golden rule that the client always wins, but smiled like a Cheshire cat nevertheless. Clearly, fatherhood has not affected his golfing skills (yet).

Former champion Ashton Hunt’s +2 gross score on a tricky course deserved better than 2nd place, with Graeme Jones a close 3rd. The team prize went to Ed Hensman, Colin Bailey, Daniel Abrahams and David Edwards. Colin also grabbed both nearest the pin awards.

Golf, as always, is the winner. “The Brick” event has been going since 1984 and is a thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing (prior to the 1st tee) day to spend with clients and colleagues. Looking forward to next year already.