tmd Company Announcement – COVID-19

COVID-19 Company Update

Week Commencing 01st June 2020

During these continuing unprecedented times, TMD hope that you and your family continue to be well and keep safe.

Our staff, their families, colleagues and clients continue to be our highest priority and as with all businesses, we are adapting our ways of working to ensure we remain very much open for ‘business as usual’.

Following the Prime Minister’s recent address, whilst our industry has been urged to return to work, our social distancing measures remain in place. We wanted to update you about how we are approaching the ongoing challenges we are all facing.

Our staff continue to work remotely in all aspects of our business, ensuring that we can offer our clients a seamless and reliable service to the level you have come to expect from us. Our offices have been and are available for use by staff but on a managed basis. They remain closed to visitors and clients unless by specific arrangement.

As a business we are of course looking to the future and the ways we can make our offices COVID-secure for our staff to return. That process is underway and will be finalised in the near future, at which time we will update you all.

We are also looking at alternative ways our staff can travel in a safe way, adhering to the social distancing guidelines and other advice from Government, particularly on the use of public transport. This of course will be continually reviewed in line with Government guidelines as they are updated and released.

TMD are also proud to be part of the COVID-19 Vaccine response. Clinical trials of the vaccines are now under way where our Oxford office project managed the delivery of the temporary COVID-19 Clinical Trials vaccine testing facility on behalf of Oxford University.

We have been and will continue to attend site visits as required, with this being assessed on a project by project basis. We will always ensure we comply with the arrangements in place at those sites we are going to visit.

We are all aware that there will be knock on effects of COVID-19, however here at TMD we will work with our clients to ensure these effects are kept to an absolute minimum where possible. We have a highly experienced team of consultants and surveyors, who are available to assist on new and existing projects, giving our clients the peace of mind to ensure project deadlines are met. We have been and continue to constantly review and apply the latest Government guidance – published by the CLC – on Safe Operating Practices on Construction sites to all of our live projects.

Coronavirus has affected us all personally and professionally and here at TMD we are committed to supporting our staff and clients through these times of change.

We are still contactable through the normal channels, however we are making good use of the additional resources we have available and are able to conduct video and conference calls through our Business conference facilities, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and WhatsApp amongst others and would encourage the use of these wherever possible.

If you have any queries or questions, please feel free to talk to any of the Directors.

TMD continue to wish you all well during this time.